I wonder, if while parenting, if too much focus was put on looking out for others. As tiny children my babies were taught to share, were shown through example how efforts to think of others is the "right" way to behave, and perhaps too often to think about how actions might impact somebody else.
Now I wonder if I put enough emphasis on doing what is right for yourself. My dear babies, you are almost adults, do you know that your own needs can be a priority? Have I told you that when the people you love make mistakes that are harmful, it is not up to you to fix them? Do you know that you can be kind and compassionate yet still walk away from certain actions?
Have I told you that I respect your loyalty and your acceptance of responsibility? But sometimes there is nothing you can do; no right or no wrong, just walk away. Because there are times it is ok to think of yourself and your future. And when you look back after walking away, you don't have to reflect on all you could have or should have done differently. Sometimes you just have to walk away. That does not make you uncaring or disloyal.
I don't know if you realize your wisdom. I don't know if you trust the people you have become. Yes, I am your parent and believe you are perfect. But, no, I don't think all of your actions are right all the time. It doesn't matter what I think. What does matter is that you are perfect in the eyes of some people. You should be one of those people.
You can be the most perfect you without arrogance. You can be right all of the time, for your own life, with humility. You can disagree and walk away with compassion. You can be self centered without being selfish.
You are the star of your life. I hope you know that. I hope you know that your reflection should be what you see in the mirror, not what somebody else writes about you in a short story. Your life is much more than a short story. Live it as you see fit and trust your own goodness.