I disagree, but I don't think you are wrong for you. I disagree in my experience. It may be that we are saying similar things, but using different vocabulary. Your God of Miracles may be my lessons presented by the universe. We may be saying the same thing.
You may say that advice kills. I may disagree, but understand that you choose to speak of only your experiences. I disagree that advice kills, because I hear you choose which experiences to share, and I recognize that in your choice of stories you are offering opinions and advice. And very often your advice helps, and does not kill. Although I do not always follow your advice.
You say that I cannot offer advice to my children, because perhaps if I advise them on what to do, I may steal from them the opportunity to have an experience that they wanted. Yet again, I disagree, but that may be just a different use of vocabulary. I don't believe that advice is a required course of action. If a child, or anybody for that matter, chooses not to follow my advice, it is not because either I or they or wrong. It means a choice was made for what experience to have. It is not a reflection of my ability to offer thoughts. It does not make me feel badly. There are no wounds to me.
I do understand that what is being said is when advice is given, it may not be heard in the way it was intended. The message may not come across clearly. There may be a chance that wounds could occur because of some advice given. Still, the give and take of ideas, opinions, advice, and knowledge is what builds relationships. Without that give and take, without that sharing, without that advice, what could be killed is a deeper and more meaningful relationship.
When we learn that attachment is what causes pain, and to transcend that pain we need to let go of attachments, that does not mean we must let go of relationships. I love you, dear sibling, and I cherish our relationship, yet their is no pain in the relationship. I am not attached in a way that causes me pain. Attachment to chocolate, yes, that causes me pain and I need to learn to let go of it. Some relationships are dysfunctional, as are many people, and those attachments to those ideas do cause pain. It does not have to be that way. Some relationships are healthy, and many people are healthy but all are flawed. The flaws do not make them dysfunctional; flaws make people human and unique. Flaws is just a word, with judgement attached. That attachment causes pain.
And finally, my sweet sibling, you are not a bad person, nor have you ever been. Perhaps you see some of your actions as bad, and maybe some would be labeled bad. I would still trust you to give advice, or share experiences from your own life, with my children at any time. Perhaps you are right, and this I will not rebut. Perhaps people don't ever change. I am not sure what I think about that. I have often said that the core of who somebody is at two years old is who they will be forever. Through the Miracles and lessons of life, people do learn or escape old ideas or accept love from the universe, while not actually changing.
If I could give advice to you, just as I wish to give advice to my grown children, my advice would be to listen to your own words and experiences and trust that you are love. Even if flawed. For now, and perhaps forever, my voice is silent. I say these things to you through the clicking of my keyboard, ideas out into the universe, ideas I would want to share with my children as well.
Accept that you are love, that you are flawed, that you are given everything you need, that teachers come when you are ready to hear them...those are ideas I would want to share.